The energy that our relationships give off determines us. We live in a world where we are infected by other people's emotions, where the magnetism of gestures, words and movements of others can captivate or annoy us. Human beings are wired by those invisible fibers that condition us in many ways, but which we do not always perceive.
At first glance, these ideas may seem as strange as they are fascinating. It must be said that in recent years, with the advances in the study of emotions and kinesthesia, new fields of interest are emerging that deserve to be mentioned. An example of this is the work on what is now known as “Body Intelligence”.
According to this theory, people should be more aware of their internal energies, those that adhere to their bodies and that we do not always recognize. Thus, when we talk about “energies” we refer above all to those emotional states that limit or expand us as human beings, and that in some way, we also project onto others.
Every cell, nerve fiber, neurological network and tissue in our body needs energy to function. Human beings are orchestrated by a whole network of impulses. It is there that our neurons communicate with each other, forming certain electrical brain waves based on what we do, think or feel at each moment.
Emotions, especially those that arise from stress, tension and anxiety, are very easily transmitted. Psychologists call it the “law of exchange” and it is characterized by an alteration in our mental and emotional state caused by the attitude and emotional states of those around us. This emotional “temperature” can cause us more costs than benefits: physical exhaustion, low motivation, distorted thoughts, etc.
The energy that our relationships give off creates a certain atmosphere. Depending on what that energy field is like (enriching or disabling), it will undoubtedly determine our well-being or discomfort. Psychologists who are experts in this field tell us that the goal would be to work on the law of uniform energy exchange. That is, to create an emotional reciprocity where we all benefit.
This objective is undoubtedly the most desirable in any work organization, in any family, in any relationship, in any school environment, etc. However, to achieve it, we must start from ourselves, and that is where bodily intelligence can also help us.