Cleansing and protecting your aura is important to maintain a healthy energy balance and prevent the build-up of negative influences. We share with you some techniques and tips to cleanse and protect your aura:
Visualization: Imagine a bright, purifying light enveloping your body, dissolving any negative or unwanted energy. Visualize how this light cleanses and restores your aura, removing any buildup of discordant energies.
Salt Baths: Take a warm bath with sea salt or Epsom salt. Salt has purifying properties and can help remove negative energies from the body and aura. As you bathe, imagine the salt water cleansing and purifying your energy field.
Burn sacred herbs: Use herbs such as incense, sage, or palo santo to smoke your space and aura. Light the sacred herb and allow the smoke to envelop you as you visualize it purifying your aura and driving away negative energies.
Protective Crystals: Carry crystals that are known for their protective properties, such as obsidian, black onyx, or black quartz. You can carry them in a pocket, wear them as jewelry, or place them near you while you meditate. These crystals can act as energetic shields and help keep your aura protected.
Meditation and affirmations: Spend time regularly meditating and affirming positive intentions. During meditation, you can visualize a golden or white light surrounding you, protecting your aura from negative influences. Repeat positive and powerful affirmations, such as "My aura is clean and protected from any negative energy" or "I am strong and secure in my own energy field."
Self-care and healthy boundaries: Practice self-care and set healthy boundaries in your relationships and environment. This involves taking care of yourself, respecting your needs, and staying away from people or situations that drain your energy or negatively affect you. Maintain good emotional and mental hygiene, and avoid the buildup of unnecessary stress and tension.