¿Cuándo recurrir al reiki a distancia?

When to use distance reiki?

Distance Reiki is a technique that allows us to send healing energy to people anywhere in the world. We can also send this healing energy to events in the present, past and future. This therapy is for people who cannot or do not wish to have face-to-face therapies.

Distance healing means using and channeling Divine Energy, from nature, from the universe, to heal, cure, recover and contribute to the balance of a person. This type of healing is not new, however it is an art that has only recently been scientifically proven. There is a huge amount of information about how we are connected and how each of us has a similar magnetic field.

Through this magnetic field like a bridge we can send energetic messages in a vibrational and magnetic way.

Research shows that a magnetic field can have an influence and make changes in another similar living being even when they are separated by a certain distance.

Distance Reiki is very similar to in-person Reiki, it acts on the aura and chakras and also removes energy blockages or imbalances at different levels. Distance healing is performed when the person requesting it, for various reasons, whether health-related or because they cannot travel, is not present with a healer.

In a certain way it is very similar to prayer, since it has been proven that prayers have a similar effect, bringing the body to a state of balance that can therefore create a state of health.

Distance Reiki works the same way. It is energy that must be “tuned” to the person it is being sent to. Once it is “tuned” it will flow through the naturally existing energy currents, much in the same way that a phone signal or wifi signal does. Distance is not an issue, just as it is not for the internet or phone communications. The energy around us carries all of these energies to the intended receiver.

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